Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Evaluation Question 1 - Part 2

The video that influenced us the most was the old Bullring clip(above). Although it was short it heavily influenced us with our video, even down to the effects. We liked the idea of having the video look like it’s been filmed on a TV screen which we ended up using for the whole film after editing it all to lip sync properly. Here is a still from our video in comparison to the influence we used:

As you can see we have incorporated the idea of the TV screen. We thought that it looked better with the effects we picked, we used the iMovie program to edit the footage and used video lines, to give the effect of an old TV screen, Bloom which changed the glare of the video, bump distortion to change the shape of the video to make it look more like a TV screen with the shape and finally we added sepia to the video to take some of the vibrant colour that was on the recording – this also made it look like older footage. This was helpful because we were going for an older styled video as in the bullring video embedded.

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