Thursday, 9 February 2012

Evaluation: Question 3 - Part 1

Although we are very happy with the overall mark (34 out of 40) that we were given, there are still some area's of the music video that could of been improved further. Each pair in the audience (20 people) was given an anonymous feedback sheet to fill out. This tells us what worked well in our video and what needs improving.

On the feedback sheet on the right it shows that they didn't feel there was enough variety of shots in our music video. This was an aspect that we were aware of during the production of our music video. Personally, I agree that there was a lower amount of close ups than seen in other music videos and the previous  A Town Called Malice video (Youtube). However, because the music video was a hybrid of a music video and a documentary of a location, we had to meet conventions of both media texts. Upon our research we found that documentaries use a lot of establishing and long shots (Example of researched documentary video - Birmingham Bullring 1985 (Youtube), a contrast to what we see in a performance style music video. To overcome this problem we used as many close ups as possible whilst the actor was performing and we weren't showing the surroundings of 'Malice'. As well as close ups of performance we included close ups of key props and surroundings. (Examples can be seen below)

                      Close-up of performance
Close-up surroundings
One of the sheets also explained that they spotted some errors with lip-syncing. One of the problems that we came across during our production was lip-syncing with the addition of effects. Once we had edit our music video we ensured that all of the lip syncing was on time and to the best standard possible, however once we applied after effects on iMovie the syncing seemed slightly off. After some analysis we realised that it was the 'television bars' and 'Bump distortion' that had caused the problem. Because the video now looked like it was poorer quality and was distorted, some of the lip syncing seemed slightly off time or incorrect. This was an aspect that could not be helped, however if we were to do the project again we would reconsider the use of after effects or the intensity used on them. This was also a critique  mentioned as some of the audience members found the effects overpowering and over the top.

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