Thursday, 9 February 2012

Evaluation Question 3 - Part 2

Using wordle I made a map of all the words in the box for what needs improving from each feedback sheet. In conclusion to what we can see on the mind map, we can gather that a wider variety of shots should have been used and the lip syncing needs to be corrected. One of the only problems with this feedback is that it isn't taken from a variety of people. Most of the audience members were 17 or 18 years old, meaning that some of the results could be biased if their opinions were a result of age. Another reason that our audience feedback could be biased is because the audience was all Media students. This means that they were critiquing our video from a technical point of view and not watching it from an entertainment standpoint.

Despite the possibly biased feedback, I feel that it is accurate. If we had longer on the production of our music video then we would look at the strength of the effects added post-editing. By doing this we would have resolved the problem of the lip-syncing that is hard to see and understand by slightly manipulating the shot lengths. As well as this,  we may have possibly been able to shoot more footage which would have included more close-ups and mid shots, adding the variety that was wanted from the audience .

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