Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Music Video Lighting Evaluation

In our music video for A Town Called Malice we will have to use selective shots to use three point lighting, thats if we use it at all. Because our planned music video idea is conventional to a tourism video and follows a documentary style we will use naturalistic lighting to create a sense of realism.

A music video that I found that follows a similar style of filming is a unofficial production for the song Tron Cat by 'Tyler, The Creator'. Seen here:

This music video creates a negative outlook on the surroundings that it is set in, an aspect that needs to be present in our final video. This will allow our narrative and comedy to work together to create a successful and original music video. If our lighting is high key then it could confuse the audience in what to believe about the surroundings and whether 'Malice' is a good or bad place to be in. If it then stops the ironic comedy that we aim to achieve in the video it will not be interesting to the target audience. This is because they will not be able to tell what we are trying to portray in the production and may become confused into the point of the video.

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