Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Evaluation Question One, Part One

When it came to researching and planning our music video we quickly realized that The Jams original music videos are all performance with the whole band in, playing their instruments. Whereas our music video, for The Jam, would be a performance / narrative style. The video still has the lyrics performed, but unlike The Jams there aren’t any instruments or other band members featured. For example, original Jam music videos have all the band members and instruments in them, the screen shot of Going Underground shows this. Ours only features the main actor and no other band members as we have made it into a documentary of Malice.A similarities that we wanted to keep the same as The Jam and other Bands within this genre is a working class audience. So we filmed on an estate / run down places to carry on with the working class theme. As you can see from this screen shot.
 Another difference is that as most of The Jams music videos are performance, which the backgrounds and studios that they are in, are very bland / dull. Our video was shot on location so the background is constantly changing.

The main similarity that we kept was the costume and hair style of the actor for example we used a smart stylish jacket with a white shirt and tie. We felt we needed to keep this style as it keeps the Mod look and would also suit our target audience.

Here is a video for The Clash that we took ideas for the type of narrative style and costume so our video suitable to our targets audience.

Monday, 30 January 2012


Our music video is now on the Bilborough College YouTube channel, the channel lets everyone view the videos created by students from the college. So far we have had 36 views after the video being uploaded onto the channel which is pretty good. 

Here is the link to the video:


Final effects

The effects we ended up using to make or music video look like it's been filmed from an old tv screen were Video Lines, which are horizontal lines across the screen that were very common on old TV's when we didn't have clear pictures on it. Bloom, which gave the video a bit of glare (as a tv does). Bump Distortion which allowed us to change the curve of the video to arch it in the middle again making it look like a box TV screen which was the main image edit we did on the video. Finally, we added a sepia tone to the video so it didn't look so modern. 
The combination of all of these factors gave us our end result that we were all really happy with.

Final music video thoughts

After watching the final music video I was really happy with how it turned out. I thought it would look okay because of the idea but I didn't realise how well it would work. I'm glad we picked Town Called Malice as our song due to the inspiration from the bands from that era, with led us to having the idea of a documentary.

Class mark out of 40

In class when we watched everyones final music videos we had to give them a mark that we thought the video deserved out of 40, as well as having to fill out a feedback sheet (which included commenting on what you likes/disliked and why etc.) The average we got was 34 which we were really happy with and it's what we would've given our selves with a guess at evaluating our work.

Overall Feedback

The feedback we got from the class was quite positive, some people said that they didn't think it looked like a music video which made me think that because we were trying to make it look like a documentary on TV, we missed the mark with keeping it looking like a music video too.
I will scan in the feedback sheets I've taken at a later date.

Final Editing

I came in on the day before the deadline and looked over the finished music video, after looking at it I saw a couple of errors which were only minor but I thought it would make all of the difference if I corrected them. The first error was a lip syncing one, it was off at the end so I couldn't change the position of it in the time line to make it fit so I added in some more of the static screens we had earlier on in the video.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Evaluation Question 3 part 1

Here are some of the feedback sheets that we got from the rest of the class viewing our video. both of the feedback sheets are good information that we can use in a constructing way and improve our choices and influences use in making different decisions next time we come to produce some media material. I think that our feedback was mainly positive, but I think negative responses are better as its more useful in making corrections so I will be more interested in them.

With some of the audience feedback I do agree with some, for example need more close ups. I do think we could of done with a couple more close ups but, at the same time I don't as it think that it is necessary as the music video is suppose to be a documentary of Malice.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Sound Bridge

With the ending of our film we have used a sound bridge as the film fades out, so does the music,but it also carries on in the background over the BBC sign.

BBC ending

This is the ending of our film, we have used this as it is in, the end of the styling of the 70s also we have used this as most programs end with the makes company at the end.

Fade out

Fade out is another effect that we are adding to our film, this is used at the end and fades to the next clip which is the BBC, this gives closes to the film. we also used this as we have noticed it is used frequently at the end of most 70s documentaries.

Final Video

Film editing

Due to the type of the theme we have chosen to do we have used different effects within the whole of our film. For example we have made our video look like an old TV by using four different effect, they are, video lines, bloom, bump distortion and sepia to give a 70s look.

24th Janurary

Today we are continuing editing our music video, within this lesson we hope there isn't any problems and we are able to get the video done.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Today's lesson January 20th

In todays lesson I have helped finish editing our music video which we are going to upload to our blog after adding the after effects. Once we have done this we will be able to start our evaluations sooner and progress with our work more efficiently.

Lesson 24th Janurary

In todays lesson we will finish editing our music video as well as adding the after effects so we can export it to our blog. This will give us enough time to watch our final project an assess if any last minute changes need to be made.

Friday, 20 January 2012


Today we're continuing to edit our film, as we thought we would be able to finish today, we're just on the last 30-ish seconds of the music video so we should have everything completed soon. We will have to stop changing everything around as we lose track of where some clips are and have to waste time finding them again.

Todays lesson

In this lesson we have been trying to finish off our music video, we have had some ideas to bring the static bits up again as some of the timing is off on the footage we have. Fortunately we have solved this problem and it still looks as good as it would if we were lip syncing. We will have finished it after next lesson and just adding on the final effects (tv screen) so everything is going according to plan!

TV effect

We will be Adding an effect on after finalising the editing, this will be to make the whole music video look like it's been recorded off a tv screen, this is an example of the look we're going for:

I think this will really help to create the look we're wanting to achieve. 

Grenada clip

We have put this at the start of our clip as we wanted to make the documentary more realistic so we thought this would fit to make the music video look like it's on television. This works really well in our music video and we're glad that we found it on youtube. As it's off youtube we will be editing it after we've finished all of the cutting etc.


We re-filmed with Matt as the actor, I felt that this re-film went really well and Matt worked much better as the lead part. After looking through all of the footage we liked the amount we had filmed as there was a lot of extra footage to put in to give more of an effect.

Lesson 20th January 2012

 In todays lesson we aim to finish editing the of the music video in order to see what needs to be improved. Once this is finished we will able to ask for a response from tutors and other class members so we know what our weak points are and how to work for them.


When it comes to editing our music video, we have found some great shots and not so great shots of an important scene. In one shot of our music video unfortunately the actor is of time with the song. This makes the video not in time with his lips. Fortunately we have thought of an excellent idea to get around this.
First of all we have added 2 hundredth of a second starting in the clip before of white noise, this shows that there is something wrong with the video. We then go on to a screen of 'sorry for the interruption', this will be over the clip that is wrong. By doing this it also helps give the effect of Malice is a rubbish place and we miss out the clip that can't be lip sinked properly. Finally we have also over the 'sorry for the interruption' bit, a long beeping sound that we have created on Garge Band.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Lesson 17th January 2012

In today's lesson we have continued to edit our music video and have worked past the 2:00 mark. We also showed our work to out tutor again and have gained further feedback that we need to include more close-ups. If we are not able to find enough footage in what we have already shot we are going to arrange to shoot additional footage later in the week in order to keep our music video at the highest possible standard.

Use of GarageBand In Our Project

In our project we have used GarageBand to make noise that accompanies the TV intermission, making the section more true to how it is used in it's real context. By using a low tone on a synth setting we were able to recreate the sound used when the television signal goes down.

Lesson 12th January 2012

In today's lesson we continued to edit our footage in aim to finish our video by next week before the deadline. We have also worked on putting existing clips from other television productions into our project, giving our music video a more documentary style and feel. Because of a few lip syncing problems we had the idea of using aTV interruption notice in order to cover them up. This allows us to carry on with production without having to wait to re-shoot as well as making our video seem like more of a television broadcast. In today's lesson we also added additional sound to our video that we produced on GarageBand to add effect when the 'TV signal' cuts out.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Janurary 10th

Today in our media lesson we have imported our second set of footage that we filmed last saturday. After this we started to edit and cut down our footage which allowed us to start our final project. I am really glad the project is finally progressing in a way that we can see visually and I am happy with our footage so far.

10th January

In today's lesson we have begun to import and edit the footage which we re-shot on Saturday 7th. As well as this we have started to edit the clips which will become our final project. I feel that the re-shoot has been beneficial as we have been able to improve on the problems and errors that we came across in our last tape of footage.

Lesson 10th January 2012

In todays lesson we have imported our re-shoot footage and have begun to start editing our final project. This features a new actor being Matt since we were let down by our last lead role. We have also spoke to Leanne who agrees that our new footage has improved however, due to the change of actor we now have an irrelevant picture on our CD cover. We are going to discuss this further in order to conclude and resolve the problem.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Photoshop tools used for CD cover

When creating our front cover i used a range of different tools on photoshop to create it. On the front i used most of the tools in the picture. The tools that were freqeuntly used were text and erase, to create different styles. I also used when writing the text on the wall. A bending tool so it looks like it is graffiti on the wall.

With the inside cover, i did the CD it's self. I used a photo of  we took when shooting our film. I first used the shape (circle) tool to cut out a template and match it to the CD size. I then used the smudge tool blend in the background colour of the photo and the background of the rest of the CD. The rest of the tools i used for this was: the smudge/blur tool, eraser, crop, text, hand and finally the shape tool.

Props that we used in our music video

Within our music video we used a lot of different props. For the main singer/actor we first used glasses and microphone, to make him look older and 70s style.

The props we used for the trap was simple a board that we made that says welcome to A town called malice. we also used money for one of the scenes.

Different actors

Unfortunately our actor was unable to shoot our music video again so we have had to use me as the main actor in. Nothing has changed aspect from the costume instead of a red velvet suit, which was the last actor. The actor now (me) will be wearing a box late 60s/early 70s style and trousers with shoes.
This is the type of suit that the new actor will wear.


On Saturday the 7th of January we re-shot our whole film. due to implications with our actor refusing to reshoot. Fortunately I know the song quit well so I said I will do it. Overall the filming went well and we managed to film the whole film with no rain fall, as it was constantly threatening to rain.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Weather report

This is the weather report for our filming day, which we have decided to be tomorrow and Matt will be the actor as he knows the song very well and it will be more suited to the image we are looking for.


unfortunately over the christmas break we were unable to all have the chance of meeting up and re-shooting, so now we are going to have to re-film within the next two weeks so we can edit and finalize our work.


Today me and Matt have decided that we need to re-film asap. We're just waiting for work schedules and actors to confirm but hopefully it'll be next sunday.

Today we're just working on getting the footage we can use lip synced properly as it was a bit out when we played it earlier today. We're also thinking of new ideas to film when we're next out so that we have a wide range of choice to put into the film, so that we're not just using footage because its all we've got.